146. The Rise of the Self-Determined Physician | Jimmy Turner, MD

Dr. Jimmy Turner is an academic anesthesiologist, entrepreneur, author, and life coach. He obtained his medical degree from Wake University and then completed an Anesthesia residency at the same institution. Subsequently, he completed a Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Medicine fellowship. After his training, he stayed on within the Department of Anesthesia and now holds the title of Associate Professor. Dr. Turner is passionate about teaching doctors how to create the time, financial freedom, and mindset shifts they need to create a life they love, which he does through books, podcasts, and his coaching program. In this episode, we discuss: Jimmy's origin story Disability insurance The arrival fallacy Shift from physician burnout to entrepreneur burnout the importance of setting boundaries Jimmy’s hell yes policy Revamping medical education to empower physicians, help promote autonomy, and minimize the risk of burnout What makes a self-determined physician Jimmy's FREE Book Find Jimmy Turner: Money Meets Medicine The Physician Philosopher Podcasts Books Coaching